Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Comics and Movies, oh My!

Well, in reading the assignment for today, I was immediately (and predictably) drawn to the graphic novel aspect of the day. There are plenty of “comic movies,” and a large number of them – in addition to adapting the plot – take directly from the comic art to create scenes. One movie in particular is 300. Obviously there was an added advantage, as Frank Miller was both the writer of the comic and heavily involved in the film. Other films that borrowed heavily include both Christopher Nolan Batman films (from Miller’s Batman: Year One and Alan Moore’s Killing Joke) and two works from Alan Moore: V for Vendetta and Watchmen. Interestingly, Moore refused to be involved in any way with the movies, going so far as to allocate his royalties to the artists. It’s only fitting that the Wachowski brothers and Zach Snyder respectively created slavish recreations of the comic panels.

In tying the movies and comics together, it would help to juxtapose the two different mediums. Although the movies would never replace reading the graphic novels, they would go a long way to serve as transition and entry points into discussing the texts. Some examples below:

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